Final tweaks in Design
Well, what a month this has been. The countdown is becoming a reality. We have decided to start with two sizes, Small and Large, along with Two different colour patterns. One is Grey on White, the other Gold on Black.
The Small would be ideal for potty training kids or pets. Liquids absorb quickly, and can hold Gallons! This would also be a convenient travel size to take along with you for those specials occasions. They are so soft and plush you can even use them as a travel blanket to keep you nice and cozy during your travels as well.
The Large would be great for those who suffer with weak bladders at night, or even for those nights where us ladies have our periods. The large is also fabulous for those wild nights with your lover and where sex should get messy! The texture is so soft and luxurious on the skin. You can just let all inhibitions loose and not worry about getting your bedding wet or even stained.
I can not wait for this first shipment to come in. We are now just finalizing the paperwork. Stay tuned!